I've always had a love affair with office supplies. It's sick, but true. Part of my apprehension about starting a blog was because of it's lack of actual paper. However, here I am. I hope my adventures bring you joy, laughter, and a little glimpse of the world.

For the record, please pronounce this "Blog" and not "Blaaaag".

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I think both.

So the fact of the matter is that we're moving...and staying here. We are moving out of our gated, international community with a beach, big yards, and a fabulous sports center. We're moving away from friends, but we're moving to new ones.

We are relocating to the compound in the city, this city. What this means for us is that, on average, we will get 20 hours more per week of Husband/Dad time. He'll sleep in until right before work, come home to see us at lunch, and walk across the way after he punches out at five. For our family, this is a huge improvement.

There are nay-sayers on both sides of the fence. People out here say, "Why would you ever want to live in the city?" People in the city say, "What could possibly be good about your gated community?" I am a lemonade out of lemons type of person. I can find the good parts of either location. Did I mention we are going from a 3 bed, 2 bath to something twice the size complete with room for a classroom? Well, that's a perk in my sight. Not to mention that we'll be walking distance from a metro, close to theaters, music halls, parks, and lots of fun venues. We are goers. With everything so close, now we can really go where we want and not worry about catching the bus home or getting a legitimate cab at night.

Our family has thrived here. Though we've made meaningful relationships and kept flowers alive, we're ready for some more adventure. Some day, when I look back on my time in Moscow, if people ask me which location was my favorite, I hope I answer, "Both." (view from my current back window)


  1. Love this! Onward and upward indeed! :-)

    xoxo to you all.

  2. I am excited to hear about your new city adventures and I think there are going to be many blessings for you all in this move.

  3. I appreciate the nod to "Groundhogs Day".
