I've always had a love affair with office supplies. It's sick, but true. Part of my apprehension about starting a blog was because of it's lack of actual paper. However, here I am. I hope my adventures bring you joy, laughter, and a little glimpse of the world.

For the record, please pronounce this "Blog" and not "Blaaaag".

Saturday, June 14, 2014

100th Post!! (Reasons I Love Homeschool)

Since this is my 100th post (Wahoo!) I thought I should write about something really life-changing. Although getting married at 19, having four kids in four years, and moving to Russia were all incredible, nothing has impacted my life like home education. I would like to share with you today some of the reasons I love homeschool.

#1 Field trips whenever we want. We avoid the busy crowds and go off-season, Tuesday mornings, and never have to fight to see the exhibit. A few weeks ago our field trip was to Camden Yards to see the Detroit Tigers play the Orioles. Ironically it was "Field Trip Day" at the park and there were kids everywhere. Last week, the Tigers played in Cleveland and we watched the game on TV right after lunch. A little motivation to get done early always helps.

#2 We skip the stuff we know and move on to stuff we don't. This year, we avoided lots of the reading parts of the Science books. We went right on to the experiments. Yesterday the kids saw water snakes in the creek and studied them. They choose to watch documentaries in their free time. We got our standardized test scores back last week and they were all well above average in the Science department. Whatever we're doing, it's obviously working.

#3 Deep conversations at random times. Last week the kids got into a lively conversation with my husband about the Flat Earth Society. They discussed Columbus, astronauts' view from the moon, and other valid points. I sat back and observed. No one was out to prove anything, but they were able to use critical thinking to determine what they believe. A week later, they're still asking about it. This holds true for their faith as well. We expect them to know why they believe what they do, not just spoon feed it and make robots.

#4 Philosophy and Religion. This brings me to my next point. We discuss philosophy and religion all day long. We covered brief overviews of Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Native American religions, and many others. I want them to know what's out there and learn to make friends with people of all faiths. I acknowledge that homeschool allows me to present to them the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a regular basis and its effects on our family.

#5 Reading aloud This school year our family read 38 novels aloud as well as an Encyclopedia, history books, and the Bible. I don't lay in bed wishing I had read to the kids more. It just happens naturally, all day long. We read history, biographies, historical fiction, regular fiction. We read it. I know my kids know the sound of my voice. When I'm gone, maybe they'll remember this sacred time.

You may be thinking at this point, "Yeah, but these are all benefits to the kids. How has it impacted you?"

Well let me tell you.

#6 I have learned more history this year than all of my previous education combined. Because we are studying Ancient and American history, I learned so much about things I never read before. Today we learned about Nikita Krustchev. I visited his grave site last year in Moscow but I didn't know who he was. I do now. and my kids know. We read an entire Encyclopedia on American History. When would I choose to do that in my leisure time?

#7 Instant gratification. Last week there was a situation where I was explaining the conquests of Alexander the Great. My third grader said, "It's kind of like Putin. He has the biggest country in the world, but he wants that little tiny bit (Crimea). I guess things haven't changed." I get to be front and center when the kids "get it". I go to sleep at night knowing they learned something today and that I taught them. It may be an unpaid job, but on days like that, it feels like I got a raise.

#7 Flexible schedule. We always complete 180 days (36 weeks of school). The way we do it is entirely up to me. Sometimes we're feeling aggressive and we work through two weeks of material in one week. Sometimes we're feeling lazy and we take a week off. We always start in early August. We vacation in September. We take Winter and Spring breaks when it works for us. My husband is gone three weeks a month. When he's home, we don't work as hard. We enjoy him.

#8 I get to spend so much time with my kids. I don't think I'm better than you. I don't think you're better than me. I homeschool for my own reasons and you may send your kids to whichever school for your own reasons. Either way, we have the right to choose what we think is best for our kids. I'm glad to stand on my soapbox and explain my personal mission statement, but for now, I'm glad I get to be with my kids. I love them. Some days they make me crazy, but they're still my favorite people. Who better to teach them than me?

#9 The public library. This is my first experience homeschooling in America. The public library is the jackpot! Each week I pick up picture books about whatever topic we are covering that week (Civil War, Cleopatra, The Iron Curtain). I feel empowered. They feel empowered. It's like an energy shake for your social brain. A little better than FB I think.

#10 My kids actually like each other Most people say to me, "I could never homeschool. My kids would drive me crazy!" or "My kids can't stand each other." Because my kids are together all the time, they actually know how to get along. They have learned to cope with one who is getting cranky and how to help somebody feel better who was accidentally left out. It's a true honor to be around such sweet kids throughout the day, every day. After all, if I don't like them, why should I expect other people to?

To sum it up, homeschool makes us a strong family. I could write a million things more, but these are just the first that came to mind. At some point in my life I probably uttered the words, "I will never homeschool", but like most things, our refusal to try something usually ends up in facing it head on. Once I was a victim homeschooler. Now I do it by choice.


  1. so I have to ask...do you use a curriculum? I have younger kids but I feel like we are not where you are describing yet :/ The fear of not being the top student is school always overcomes me...thinking I can't teach them well or that they will be excelling at all...thoughts? :)

  2. Yes, we use Sonlight for the most part but mish-mash for the rest. Keep in mind my peeps are 12,11,9, and 7. Different time period. The best thing you can teach your precious little boys right now is character.
