I've always had a love affair with office supplies. It's sick, but true. Part of my apprehension about starting a blog was because of it's lack of actual paper. However, here I am. I hope my adventures bring you joy, laughter, and a little glimpse of the world.

For the record, please pronounce this "Blog" and not "Blaaaag".

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

5 Things I love about Russia

Please know, this idea is stolen from a fellow blogger, but I figured my favorite things are not the same as their favorite things so it can be a completely original text. Let's just dive right in.

Thing 1. The government can put one recycling bin in one park and tell the media they are now recycling savvy. This is an amazing concept. Today I will do one sit up and tell all my friends and neighbors that I exercise. Boom!

Thing 2. There is no first class on the metro or the bus. I've learned how to shove with the best of them, but at the end of the day, the bum who smells like urine or the CEO who smells like body odor and cologne may get the seat. Having a pregnant belly or an infant may also come in handy for star treatment. But for most people, it's an equalizer. We all paid the same rate, we all have the same opportunity to ride like sardines.

Thing 3. No price is final. In any market or kiosk, the price is a suggestion. I can haggle for my produce, scarves, or trinkets by simply walking away uninterested. This action is usually followed by, "Lady! What do you want to pay?" Now that's more like it.

In the reverse aspect, the prices posted in the supermarket already have the tax included so if it's 100 rubles, the cashier will require exactly 100 rubles from me. That makes things a little easier.

Thing 4
. Crosswalks and underground walkways. In most places the pedestrian does have the right-of-way if you keep an eye out. For children, they nearly always stop ahead of the dashed lines. I can walk somewhere and never stop moving if I zig-zag between alleys and parking lots as well.

Thing 5. Dairy products. I know that when I leave Russia, I will be pining for some 42% sour cream. Thinking about sour cream made me lose my focus. I think I'm going to go eat a scoop of sour cream.

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